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Mikael Cedergren 

När kan jag se denna i replay?

Viveka Boettge 

oerhört charmigt att höra er jobba bakom kulisserna. <3

Viveka Boettge 

Mikrofonerna är på..

Viveka Boettge 

Ni hörs

Mona Bogefors 

Thanks for a wonderful competition and a great THANKS to the webhost.! ❤️

Markus Blomstrand 

Bra jobbat SCV! Denver, USA nästa!

Ann McAlexander 

Do we already know that it's being raised for Denver?

Ann McAlexander 

The automatic qualifying score this year is 80.0.

Henrik Clemmensen-Nielsen 

CBC! Congrats! 🎉

Markus Blomstrand 

I alla fall för damerna / At least for the ladies.

Markus Blomstrand 

@Ulrika 81 poäng

Markus Blomstrand 

Tindras jacket is immense!

Kathy Ensink 

Wiz: Tin man--Nipsey Russel. Lion--Ted Ross sorry, I am old!

Ann McAlexander 

Okay, thanks, that makes more sense! I'd heard them talking about the Wiz, then got distracted for a minute!

Kathy Ensink 

Oops, I Googled the Wizard of Oz. Sorry.

Ann McAlexander 

I missed the question ... was it about Wizard of Oz, or The Wiz?

Marie Magnusson 

Thank you Viveka!

Viveka Boettge 

Master of Ceremonies = MC

Kathy Ensink 

According to Google,the Tin Man was played by Jack Haley, and the Lion was played by Bert Lahr.

Marie Magnusson 

Goosebumps, happy, high entertainment! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Ann McAlexander 

I love them, and can't wait to see what they do in Denver!

Johan Lund 

Wow! Fantastic performance!

Pálína Vagnsdóttir 

What a Joy to listen to this Colourful choir - Master Performance

Søren Detlefsen 

Hahaha! :D Måske!

Ann McAlexander 

(Sorry if I missed the original question -- I'm multitasking, also watching Region 31!)

Ann McAlexander 

At BHS international, a change for this year (a decrease of one judge per category), there will be four judges per category.

Marie Magnusson 

Stamp stamp clap! Stamp stamp clap!

Johan Lund 

Dacke är en härligt underhållande lör. Alltid lika kul att komma till Växjö. Länge sedan nu.

Ann McAlexander 

Thank you for using that terminology. I look forward to the day there aren't any gender distinctions in any of the contests.

Johan Lund 

Bra Dacke!

Annika Johannesson 

Hann inte med: Bra jobb The EntertainMen! 👏

Henrik Clemmensen-Nielsen 

Fantastic performance by Copenhagen Barbershop Chorus!!

Viveka Boettge 

Awesome job, Sofia and CBC!

Søren Detlefsen 

Amazing performance CBC! Well done!

Torbjörn Sahlman 


Søren Detlefsen 

Held og lykke CBC!!

Johan Lund 

Well done!

Rosmarie Karlsson 

Du saknas Johan!!

Johan Lund 


Rosmarie Karlsson 

Go Go The EntertainMen

Denize Figaro 

Wohoo snygga ni var SCV! 😍🔥

Henrik Clemmensen-Nielsen 

Go CBC! Copenhagen is rooting for you!

Harley Klerck 

Webcast hosts are AWESOME!

Rosmarie Karlsson 

Here comes love for you in the webcast team!! <3

Marie Magnusson 

We love you always! You ar the best!

Linda Anemyr 

Ni är jättefina Tesla och Jonas ❤️

Søren Detlefsen 

Any idea how to compare NLR scores with BHS?

Annika Johannesson 


Cim Nordström 

We love you! We already said that :)

Rebecka Emanuelsson 

Hunger games was actually the inspiration for the outfits so it was fun that he mentioned it

Rebecka Emanuelsson 

Underbara SCV!



Johan Lund 

Wow! Magnificent!

Annika Johannesson 

Snyggt kostymjobb SVC! 👏

Rosmarie Karlsson 


Rosmarie Karlsson 


Ann McAlexander 

They're always SO creative and innovative.

Ann McAlexander 

(Haha, we have Scioto Valley Chorus in Region 4. They're SVC!)

Rosmarie Karlsson 

I Love them to!! ;)

Ann McAlexander 


Ann McAlexander 

Wow, the beginning of SVC's song! I love them!

Ann McAlexander 

Hi, Annika!

Rosmarie Karlsson 

stamp stamp clap

Annika Johannesson 

Verkligen snyggt jobb MLC! 👏

Rosmarie Karlsson 

Woop woooooooop

Johan Lund 

Well done MLC!

Annika Johannesson 

Hi Ann!

Ann McAlexander 

Hi again from Chicago! Just in time!

Marie Magnusson 

Heja Mictester kören!!! Underbart!!!

Annika Johannesson 

Heja Rönninge/Snowflakes under ledning av Anna och Anna-Lena!

Viveka Boettge 


Marie Magnusson 

15:30 börjar tävlingen, Viveka.

Ingmari Åberg 

Funkar bra nu, tack!


15.20 tror ag.

Viveka Boettge 

Vet vi när tävlingen startar?

Ingmari Åberg 

OK, då avvaktar jag!

Markus Blomstrand 

@Ingmari - Så länge du ser att hänglåset bredvid texten "Offline" är öppet så har du tillgång till streamen när den startar.

Rosmarie Karlsson 

Hejsan! det har inte sparkat igång än :)

Ingmari Åberg 

Hur får jag igång det hela? Har kvitto på att jag betalat.....
